CANADIAN CHAMPION Euraidd's Orange Flame - imported from Australia
Our newest champion, Flame is now working on her Canadian Grand Champion title, going select bitch 2x the same weekend she finished. All in three weeks after leaving Darrowby to work with Hailey! She loves the show ring, and is a beautiful mover. Her outline is quite lovely with a gorgeous toplines and classicly arched neck
Euraidd's Orange Flame
Here are some recent pictures of our Flame. She is maturing so quickly, and is a truly lovely puppy with a sweet personality. Here she is at 6 months..is this a happy girl or what?
Flame summer of 2014...
below:Flame at 5 weeks-we are so excited!
A Rose by any other name.... what a mug on this little Australian puppy. We love the reach of neck, the superb topline, angles. bone and coat-the entire package. Check her pedigree and you will see she came by it quite honestly. We were planning on getting ( and still are!)the pick boy from the litter of Leo (Leonardo of the Hellacious Acres-imported from the Netherlands)- I believe he now has 2 CCs in Australia, and Missy (Serbian CH Mitcharron Miss Saigon,) from Rose at Montego in the summer of 2014. I asked Rose for the impossible again- I asked if she could find a litter with the kind of super clearances we ask for behind it, a litter with lines that were different from ours but complimentary in type, with a good bench and performance background and due to be born about the same time as the Leo litter. I also wanted the pick female from this hypothetical wonder litter available for us. Not too tall an order! Check the pedigree she found at Euraidd Goldens! And to top it all off, this is an Ichthyosis clear litter.
Louise Patterson kindly agreed to trust us with the female we were looking for, and we will be bringing this lovely little girl to Darrowby at the end of the summer 2014. We are excited to add the bloodlines and proven ability behind this girl to our kennel and we look forward to meeting our newest Flame. This is the sire of our new little girl, Ch Dobro Fire Kracker CDX NRD ORA. We think he is a very handsome and talented dog!
Orange Flame is the name of a gorgeous orange rose. When
everything's coming up roses, orange roses are the way to celebrate. They
suggest fire, glowing sunsets and have an intensity that seems to say Thanks or
I Love You with boundless boundless enthusiasm.
Flame has found her favorite spot at Louise' home, and it seems she is sharing it with Charley the cat!
above: Flame enjoying winter in Australia-thanks for the picture to Ray Temple, owner of Flame's sire.
Thank you so much, Rose and Louise (and Ray).
In 2016 Flame got her cardiac clearance, her eye clearance and a 3:4 bva hips with 0:0 elbows.Ichthyosis clear, pra 1 and 2 clear and prcd clear as well!!
She finished her Canadian champioship in April 2016 and got 8 points toward her grand championship.Watch for results!